Weekly Announcements, 2/7/16

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"There is something of God in every man, let us affirm it more certainly than ever, but surrounded as we are by millions of new-made graves and with the voices of the hungry and the dispossessed in our ears, let us not easily accept the impious hope that the natural goodness of ourselves is sufficient stuff out of which to fashion a better world.” -  Gilbert H. Kilpack, 1914-1999



Quaker House

9:00 am



Meeting Room & Quaker House

10:30 am

Nominating Ctte

Terrace Room

9:00 am


Ministry & Worship

North Room


Records & Handbook

Decatur Place Room

9:15 am


Religious Education Ctte



Membership Ctte

North Room

9:15 am


Spiritual Formation

Quaker House

1:00 pm


Meeting Room

10:00 am



Decatur Place Room

6:00 pm


Feb. 12-14: Washington Friends Conference on Religion and Psychology is coming up on President's Day Weekend. For more information and to register, contact Stephen McDonnell at stephen@stephenmcdonnell.com 


Feb. 12-14: Young Friends Conference, Sandy Spring Friends School. For information, check the Young Friends website (https://bym-rsforg.presencehost.net/what_we_do/yfs/yfcon.html) or contact Jocelyn Dowling. (301-774-7663)


Feb. 13:  Friends Wilderness Center will be the venue for sharing poetry around the fire, followed later in the day by stargazing, both led by more experienced people who will make the events interesting and fun. Details are still being worked out. If you need directions or have questions, please contact Sheila Bach (snbach@earthlink.net, 304-728-4820). The website is www.friendswilderness.org


Feb. 14: The Personal Aid and Library Committees will meet, along with the Waking Up White book group. There will be a Meeting for Business at noon.


Feb. 20: Memorial Meeting for Clem Swisher, 3:00 pm in the Meeting Room


Feb. 21: The annual Barbara Nnoka Lunch to support the Mary Jane Simpson Scholarship Fund will be held after rise of Meeting. Leave with an empty wallet and full stomach. . . and heart! after hearing the stories of some of our wonderful scholarship beneficiaries.


Feb. 21: Film viewing and discussion of Inside Out, about an individual returning from prison. For more information, contact Scott Breeze.


Head of Meeting Schedule

Feb. 7: Records & Handbook; Feb. 14: Young Adult Friends