Weekly Announcements, 6/26/16

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"… the only real security in the end is the love we have given and the love we have received. All else can be taken from us. So pour out your love and friendship and do not hoard it … And don’t delay or hesitate in standing up to be counted with the oppressed.” –Elizabeth Watson “Ask Not Good Fortune”, 1980


Quaker House

9:00 am


Marriage & Family Relations



Spiritual Journeys


9:15 am


Hunger & Homelessness

Assembly Room



Meeting Room & Quaker House

10:30 am


Friendly Bible Study

Terrace Room


Fibre Party

North Room


Fibre Party


Decatur Place Room

6:00 pm

Hospitality Ctte








July 2: Come to So Others Might Eat at 6:15 a.m. and make breakfast for our vulnerable neighbors. 70 “O” St. NW. For more information, contact Betsy.Bramon@gmail.com

July 6: Grate Patrol  Help prepare sandwiches to take out on the Salvation Army truck to feed our vulnerable neighbors. Come to the Meeting House at 5:30 pm. For more information, contact sbrooks@uab.edu

July 3 – 9: The Gathering, Friends General Conference, College of St. Benedict, St. Joseph, MN. This year’s theme is be humble, Be Faithful, BE BOLD. Meet with hundreds of Friends for a week packed with programs and events, from small group morning workshops to public evening plenaries, and programs for children, teens and young adults. For more information, to go http://www.fgcquaker.org/connect/gathering


Aug. 1-7: Annual Sessions, Baltimore Yearly Meeting, Hood College, Frederick, MD. “Discernment and Action in Spiritual Community.”  For more information and to register, go to http://www.bym-rsf.org/events/annualsession/  Personal Aid has some scholarships available for Annual Sessions; contact Emily Schmeidler: Emilie_10@yahoo.com



Head of Meeting Schedule

June 26: Ad Hoc LGBT Group