Weekly Announcements, 8.13.2017

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[During worship] "It requires attentive focus to arrive at the center, and the path is strewn with distractions. Some find that by taking a moment beforehand to consider what disturbances may come, they can recognize distractions from a distance and gently dispatch them before their emotional charge sends the worshipper off the path or into a ditch. Others find it helpful to weave potential distractions into prayer. Some may pray for the unquiet places in their own lives, holding in their hearts those situations of uncertainty, anxiety, conflict, or pain, and picturing those places illumined by light and love.” – Michael Birkel


Personal Aid Ctte

Terrace Room

8:45 am



Quaker House & Meeting Room

10:30 am


Quaker House

9:00 am



Decatur Place Room

6:00 pm

Waking Up White

Decatur Place

9:15 am






August 18 - 20 - Quaker Religious Education Collaborative Gathering, Quaker Hill (Richmond, IN)  Join the Quaker Religious Education Collaborative for their 4th Annual Gathering. For more information, including registration, go to www.quakers4re.org.


Aug. 20:  Matt Handley, Director of Litigation, Washington Lawyers Committee on Civil Rights and Urban Affairs (WLC), will speak at rise of Meeting about the legal issues surrounding hosting an undocumented immigrant on our campus


Aug. 25-27:  Gathering of Friends of African Descent, Chestnut Hill Meeting House (Philadelphia, PA) A number of us are offering home hospitality for those who want to visit in homes. http://www.fofad.org/2017-gathering.html


September 8 – 10 - Spiritual Formation Program Fall Retreat You are invited to join Friends from across Baltimore Yearly Meeting for the Fall Spiritual Formation Retreat at the beautiful Priest Field Pastoral Center in Kearneysville, West Virginia (priestfield.org). To find out more about the retreat and the Spiritual Formation Program, go to the BYM website at www.bym-rsf.org/events/spiritform/. Scholarships are available.


September 16 –– Retreat for Clerks of BYM Committees and Working Groups
Langley Hill Friends Meeting (McLean, VA)  The clerks of BYM Committees and Working Groups– past, present, and future – are invited to gather for a day of worship and preparation for the new committee year. The retreat will begin with hospitality at 9:45am and run until 4pm.


Head of Meeting Schedule

Aug. 13: Finance & Stewardship Ctte; Aug. 20: Property Ctte