Officers, Committee Members & Representatives

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Officers of the Meeting 

(1 year terms)

Co-Clerk Elaine Wilson
Co-Clerk Allen Fawcett
Recording Clerk Tristan Kirkman
Treasurer Merry Pearlstein (July 2023 - June 2024)
Assistant Treasurer Grant Thompson (June 2024)
Financial Coordinator Anita Drever (June 2024)
Recorder Barbara Briggs

Special Positions

(1 year terms)

Librarian                           Gene Throwe  
Historians Greg Robb, Nicholas Saylor  


Administrative & Maintenance Staff

Administrative Secretary     Barbara Briggs                             
Event and Rental Manager Brian Lutenegger  
Property Manager Ken Orvis  
Religious Education Support Teacher

Donna Williams


Board of Trustees

(Six year terms run through December 31 of the years specified)



Dante Bucci Betsy Bramon Matthew Higgins    
Elaine Wilson Letty Coffin J.E. McNeil    
Jorge Sanchez Mary Melchior Meg Greene    
Neil Froemming Rashid Darden Justin Connor    

Standing Committees

Visit our committees page to learn more about our committees. Consider volunteering your talents by joining a committee!                      

(3 year terms run through the years specified)

Child Safety Coordination (Responsibility for child safety and compliance with FMW's protocols is held by representaitves of FMW's Trustees, Personnel, and Religious Education Committee) Reps: Letty Coffin-Trustees, Kathy Lipp-Farr-RE, Aaron Johnson-Personnel  
Advancement and Outreach Working Group  
                                                                   Term expires end of:  
2025 2026 2027
  CJ Lewis  Ray Patch
  Malcolm McDermond (co-convener)  
  EJ Hardwick (co-convener)  
Finance & Stewardship Committee  
Term expires end of:  
2024 2025 2026  
Justin Potisit Grant Thompson (co-clerk) Harry Matz  
Jason Terry (co-clerk) David Smith 2027  
John Bluedorn   Barbara Vohryzek  
Ex officio member: Merry Pearlstein, Treasurer  
Ex officio member: Grant Thompson, Assistant Treasurer  
Ex-officio member:  Anita, Drever, Financial Coordinator   
Ex-officio member: Michael Cronin, Property Liaison  
Hospitality Committee  
Term expires end of:  
2024 2025 2026  
Candy Miller Greg Robb (clerk) Chris Kearns McCoy  
Steve (Peaches) Watkins Sandra Proctor Anney Bolgiano  
Roger Caitlin Camilla Greer    
  Tristan Kirkman    
  Debby Churchman    
Library, Records & Handbook Committee  
Term expires end of:  
2024 2025 2026  
Jessica Vermooten Kylie Carpenter Savannah Richie  
Elizabeth Nyman Patrick Turley Helena Cobban  
  Gene Throwe - Clerk & Librarian William Hardy  
Ex officio members: Librarians, Historians  
Marriage and Family Relations Committee  
Term expires end of:  
2024 2025 2025  
Martha Solt (co-clerk) Bill Strein Mark Haskell  
Basil Kiwan (co-clerk) Beth Cogswell    
  Debby Churchman    
  Steve Lovett    
Membership Committee  
Term expires end of:  
2024 2025 2026  
Kathy Lipp Farr Rebecca Nelson (clerk) Mary Melchior  
  Bobby Trice    
  Chri Zubowicz    
  Beth Cogswell    
Ministry and Worship Committee  
Term expires end of:  
2024 2025 2026  
Liz Pomerleau Joe Izzo Tish Thames  
Kathy Powell Ann Herzog Debby Churchman  
  Ray Patch Elise Storck  
  Gray Handley (clerk) John Meyer  
  Diane Randall    
  Jean Capps    
Nominating Committee  
Term expires end of:  
2023 2024 2025  
Virginia Avanesyan Jim Bell Michael Beer (clerk)  
Joe Izzo   Marissa Yeakey  
    Bill Parker  
Ex officio members:  Young Adult Friends Co-convenor, Administrative Secretary  
Peace and Social Concerns Committee  
Term expires end of:  
2024 2025 2026      
Barbara Briggs (clerk) Steve Chase Rozella Apel-Hernandez  
Kristen Clark Allie Douma Marina Jacobo  
Tamina Chowdhury Jake Karaisz Peter Nye  
    Helen Qubain  
Personal Aid Committee  
Term expires end of:  
2025 2026 2027  
Mary Melchior Bill Parker (clerk)  Kathy Lipp-Farr  
Mark Haskell Jacob Keohane    
Pat Michaelson Steve Lovett    
  Jean Capps    
Personnel Committee  
Term expires end of:  
2024 2025 2026  
Ed Hustead Nicholas Warren Aaron Johnson (clerk)  
Justin Connor      
Ex-officio:  FMW Co-clerks Elaine Wilson, Allen Fawcett  
Property Committee  
Term expires end of:  
2024 2025 2026  
Michael Wood (co-clerk) David Aluvale Chip Yeakey (Clerk)  
Judy Hubbard Michael Cronin Elise Storck  
  Jay Harris Renee Ding  
  Evan Lippincott Jennifer Adams  
    Jim Bell  
Ex officio member: Ken Orvis, Property Manager   
Ex officio member: Brian Lutenegger, Event and Rental Manager  
Ex officio member: Merry Pearlstein, Finance & Stewardship committee member  
Records and Handbook Committee (Merged into Library/Records & Handbook.  See above.)  
Religious Education Committee  
Term expires in JUNE of year listed:  
2024 2025 2025  
Kathy Lipp Farr John Hurvitz Anastacia Ebi  
Aaron Johnson   Jacob Ritting  
Julie Johnson (clerk)   Audrey Peek  
    Catherine Arjet  
Ex officio members: Youth Program Teacher, Child Safety Committee  

Special Committees

Mary Jane Simpson (D.C.) Scholarship Fund
Marsha Holliday Anne Kendall, Clerk

C. J. Lewis

J.E. McNeil

Rebecca Nelson

Peter Nye  
Justin Potosit Bill Strein Elaine Wilson
Michelle Hannahs Nicholas Warren David Aluvale

Search Committee (1/1/2023 - 12/31/2025)

Bill Parker Hayden Wetzel Michael Beer
Marissa Yeakey    
Ex officio member: Presiding Clerk 
Ex officio member: Barbara Briggs, Administrative Secretary
Hunger and Homelessness Task Force (under care of Peace & Social Concerns)
C.J. Lewis, Co-Clerk Eric Nothman
Steve Brooks
Shoebox Project, coordinators
Eric Nothman, Co-Clerk Emilie Schmeidler Grate Patrol, coordinator
  Gray Handley Christ House Lunch, coordinator
  Patty Murphy Church of the Pilgrims Lunch, coordinator
   (vacant) S.O.M.E Breakfast, coordinator
Information Technology     
Re-organization in discussion    
Ex-officio member: Barbara Briggs, Administrative Secretary
Ex-officio member: Ken Orvis, Property Manager
Change Group for Racial Justice 
David Ethridge, clerk Debby Churchman   
Clearness Committees
Anyone feeling led to or in need of clearness committee support should reach out to Clerks of Meeting or of M&W Committee
Young Adult Friends Co-conveners:  
Phoebe Shatzer Isaiah Grace Hannah Moloney

Representatives to Other Organizations

(One-year or three-year terms, expiring in year indicated)


Quaker Organizations

Meeting Liaisons    
American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) - 2 year term through 2022 Bill Parker
Baltimore Yearly Meeting, Finance & Stewardship Committee Aaron Johnson
Baltimore Yearly Meeting Ministry and Pastoral Care Committee - unspecified term Greg Robb
Friends Committee on National Legislation - 1 year term through 2022 Susan Griffin and Tamina Chowdhury
Friends United Meeting - 1 year term vacant
Friends Wilderness Center vacant
Right Sharing of World Resources - 1 year term vacant
Interfaith Council of Metro Washington - unspecified term Joe Izzo
Friends Non-Profit Housing, Inc. Board - 3 year term
Annelise Haskell    
School for Friends Board (3 year term, July-June)
Michael Cronin      
Virginia Avanesyan    

Non-Quaker Organizations

Advisory Neighborhood Commission 2-D - 1 year term:  Barbara Briggs
DC Council of Churches (FMW Representative to Annual Meeting):  Gene Throwe
Interfaith Council of Washington:  Joe Izzo