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Sunday, May 30, 2010 - 1:00pm
Dear Friends,
Come learn more about AFSC-DC's efforts to make D.C. a human rights city by expanding human rights learning in D.C. public schools, fighting for more affordable housing, and for worker's rights in the district. Sunday May 30th following the rise of meeting the Peace and Social Concerns Committee will be sponsoring a fund raising event for the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC-DC). The event will include a presentation by the DC office director; Jean-Louis Peta Ikambana on the Human Rights Learning Project currently going on worldwide, as well as here in DC, a film on the Human Rights movement worldwide, lunch-buffet and/or picnic (weather permitting) and musical entertainment. All in the spirit to raise awareness and financial contributions for the important ongoing programs here in DC, as well as show Friends Meeting of Washington's support for AFSC.