FMW Work Day

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Saturday, July 24, 2010 - 9:00am - 3:00pm


If you've never been to an FMW Work Day and have been wondering if it could possibly be as fulfilling and fun as we say, Saturday July 24 would be a great time to come and see for yourself.  If you've been to lots of them and think you've seen it all, come ready to be surprised. 

The FMW Property Committee's monthly work day will take place Saturday, July 24, 9am-3pm, in the Meeting House. We will be scraping, patching, sanding, caulking, priming, painting, cleaning, fixing, planting, moving, and organizing. 

Don't think you have any talent worth contributing?  Think again.  You need no special skills, tools, or experience. 

Not sure you can have much of an impact?  Take a look around at all the improvements that have been done over the past five months on a shoestring, thanks to FMW volunteers. 

Have lots on your mind?  Come see how far a little loving teamwork can go to soothing the spirit.

Too tired to work?  Come help supervise and cheer on the rest of us!

Want to help but cannot make it Saturday?  We can help set you up to help at another time of your choosing.

Other questions or concerns?  Contact a Property Committee member  or CONTACT FMW.

All are welcome and needed.  A wonderful free lunch will be served.

In the Light,

Steve Coleman

"Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it.
Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it."