Adult Religious Education Classes

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Sunday, November 21, 2010 - 9:15am - Sunday, December 5, 2010 - 9:15am
Dear Friends,
We begin on Sunday, September 19 a new year long series on the contributions of prominent Quakers to American society and globally. We will focus on Quaker leaders and others influenced by Quakers including activists in civil rights, womens suffrage and rights, peace, education, humanitarian assistance, as well as the contributions of  playrights, poets, philanthropists, educators, public servants and others.
So that you can plan, our firm schedule from now until the New Year includes the following Sundays, in each case in Decatur Place Room from 9:15-10:15 (unless changed by previous notice by email).
For some sessions we will all read the same background materials. But for many meetings volunteer members of the group will do special readings and preperation for the leaders we focus on. Because this involves a substantial giving of time and sharing by those who volunteer to do so, we are encouraged to attend whenever possible to gain from their insights.

November 21    Focus on Lucretia Mott, a leader in antislavery and womens' rights. (Prepared and
                       Led by Molly Tully)
December 5     Focus on Elise Boulding, Sociologist and Leader in the Field of Peace Studies.
                       (Leader to be determined). 
This will be a very exciting inquiry which will continue in the New Year.
Best, John