Weekly Announcements, 7.1.2018

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"Friends Meeting of San Antonio finds the policy of the present administration of separating children from their families at the border to be shameful and contrary to American values. Further, using the Gospel to claim that “God has ordained” such actions is appalling to us as a people of faith. We also insist that our government follow international law and open our ports of entry for people seeking asylum. We call on all government officials, from the President, Attorney General, Senators, and Representatives, to the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and Customs and Border Protection to cease and desist separating infants and older children from their parents. Compassion is called for in welcoming those who flee violence, seeking asylum in America.” 6.3.2018



Nominating Ctte


9 am



Quaker House, Meeting Room

10:30 am


Quaker House

9 am


Ministry & Worship Ctte

North Room

12 pm


Meeting Room

10 am




6 pm



July 1 – 7:  Your Administrative Secretary is going to The Gathering, leaving the very capable Patty Murphy in charge of the office. Please give her your loving support.


July 4: Help make sandwiches for the Grate Patrol to take to our vulnerable neighbors, starting at 5:00 pm. For more information, contact Steve Brooks at sbrooksal@gmail.com Also, the office will officially be closed this day for the holiday.


July 7: Help make breakfast for our vulnerable neighbors. Convene at 6:15 am at So Others Might Eat. For more information, contact Tim Schleicher at timothy.c.schleicher@gmail.com


July 30 – Aug. 5:  Baltimore Yearly Meeting Annual Session, Hood College, Frederick, MD. “Radical Listening: Rooted in Love.” All children (birth through 8th grade) may attend free. For more information, go to www.bym-rsf.org/events/annualsession  For scholarships, please apply to the Personal Aid committee.


Spiritual Formation - Do you seek an opening to the Spirit? Do you sit in meeting in anticipation of the "still small voice", yet it rarely or never comes? Or are you ready to deepen your connection to the Inner Light? FMW's Spiritual Formation Group may be of interest to you. The Spiritual Formation Groups were formed to nurture and strengthen your connection to the Inner Light on personal, meeting, and community levels. For more information, please contact John Bluedorn at johnbluedorn@gmail.com.

Head of Meeting

July 1: Ad Hoc; July 8: Nominating Ctte



First Day School begins at 10:30 each Sunday. If you come later than 10:30, please stay a moment with your child to help them settle into the class. Children in FDS are reunited with their parents in the final minutes of Meeting for Worship.


Points of Contacts for First Day School:  Shannon Hughes (shannughes@gmail.com) and Michael Beer at FMWYouthProgram@gmail.com or 703-655-5655.

Child Care is available for parents needing a respite during worship. Children age 0 to 4 will be lovingly tended in the Decatur Place Room from 10:20 am to Noon on Sunday. Please contact Michael Beer at FMWYouthProgram@gmail.com for any child care related questions. Child Care is also available for all ages of children during events on our campus upon request.

FMW is pleased to offer an opportunity to families who would like to have the Meeting officially welcome their children into our community. Anyone interested in such a welcoming, please contact Gray Handley, handleygr@niaid.nih.gov



Meeting for Worship 9:00 AM Sunday. Held in the Quaker House Living Room, this Meeting for Worship tends to have less vocal ministry. Child care is not available.


Meeting for Worship 6:00 PM Sunday. Held in the Decatur Place Room, this Meeting for Worship offers a sustaining opportunity for worship at the end of the weekend. Child care is not available.


Mid-Week Meeting for Worship, Wednesday, 6:00 PM in the Parlor. Persons seeking to worship during the week should consider this Meeting. Child care is not available.



The FMW webpage is available at www.quakersdc.org  To access the non-public pages, the log-in ID is FMW– the password is Discern. To join the FMW Listserv, or to be included in the Meeting’s Online Directory, send an e-mail to: admin@quakersdc.org  To phone the Meeting Office, call 202.483.3310.    To use WiFi in the Meetinghouse, the network is FMW and the password is simplicity. The Meeting’s Facebook page is www.facebook.com/FriendsMeetingOfWashington.


Young Adult Friends - Anyone interested in learning about Young Adult Friends at FMW or who would like the join the YAF list-serve, please contact Erin Murphy (murph23e@mtholyoke.edu) and Rebecca Nelson (rebecca@americasolidaria.org). Young adults are between the ages of 18 and 40ish.


Martha’s Table needs nonperishable food items on an ongoing basis.  Donations are collected in the basket near the Meeting House Decatur Place. Pam Callard (202) 829-9577.


Would you be willing to provide a meal—or a ride—to a Friend in need? Personal Aid is looking for such service from time to time. Please contact Emilie Schmeidler at Emilie.schmeidler@gmail.com


A year ago the Peace and Social Concerns committee ran a short survey of the FMW community to determine what programs would be of the greatest interest to the meeting and to help members and attenders who are engaged with projects to find and assist each other.  Thank you to those who participated.  We would like for anyone who did not participate to please do so online. The survey is only 3 questions long and should not take much time.  Click here:https://goo.gl/forms/1IBwjtYzZCcBpNzp1