Weekly Announcements, October 25, 2019

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“The years of our life are seventy, or even by reason of strength eighty; yet their span is but toil and trouble; they are soon gone, and we fly away. Who considers the power of your anger, and your wrath according to the fear of you? So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom. Return, O Lord! How long? Have pity on your servants! Satisfy us in the morning with your steadfast love, that we may rejoice and be glad all our days. - Psalm 90:10-14


Quaker House

9:00 am


Fibre Party

Quaker House

12:00 p.m.


Meeting Room

10:30 am


Marriage & Family Relations


12:00 pm



10:30 am




6:00 pm

BYM Women’s Retreat Planning

Terrace Room

12:00 pm






A memorial meeting for Kathy Brandt will be held at FMW on Saturday, Oct. 26 at 2 p.m

Pastoral Care Working Group, Sunday, November 3, 9:15-10:15am.  Carriage Room.  (changed from Oct 27)  We will discuss Valerie Brown’s Pendle Hill Pamphlet #446 Coming to Light:  Cultivating Spiritual Discernment through the Quaker Clearness Committee available in FMW’s Library.  Contact:  Sabrina McCarthy, sabrina.mccarthy@verizon.net, 240.778.5234.

FMW Meeting for Business, November 10 at rise of meeting.  All are welcome.   

Pendle Hill Workshop,  Clerking: Serving the Community with Joy and Confidence, November 22-24.   Register soon for our annual clerking workshop with Arthur Larrabee and Steve Mohlke to secure a spot. For more information contact Pendle Hill: 610-566-4507, ext. 137.

Thanksgiving at FMW, Thursday, November 27:  FMW has a long tradition of impromptu Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve gatherings.  This will be our first holiday celebration in our beautiful new space!  If you are interested in attending, bringing a potluck item or helping to coordinate some (very manageable) piece, contact FMW’s administrative secretary (Barbara): admin@quakersdc.org or 202-483-3310 (mornings).

BYM Women’s Retreat, February 7-9 and registration is open now!  For more information and to register go to: https://womensretreat.bym-rsf.net/

Baltimore Yearly Meeting Interim Meeting, Saturday, Nov 2, 10 a.m.. Get to know Yearly Meeting committees and Friends from other Meetings! Be a part of important decision-making. Join Friends for morning committee meetings and the afternoon’s Interim Business Meeting. For details: www.bym-rsf.org/events/interim/eleventh19.html.  Meeting will be held at Stony Run Meeting.

Thank you Rob and Pam Callard, for the donation of a wheelchair for use at FMW.  Should it be needed, it is in the new storage room, off the new hallway to Quaker House.

Head of Meeting

October 27:  Hunger & Homelessness TF (ShoeBox Project)     November 3:  Ministry & Worship


First Day School begins at 10:30 each Sunday. If you come later than 10:30, please stay a moment with your child to help them settle into the class. Children in FDS are reunited with their parents in the final minutes of Meeting for Worship.

Points of Contacts for First Day School:  Allen Fawcett, aafawcett@gmail.com, Jacob Ritting, j_ritting@hotmail.com, and Cait Hone at FMWYouthProgram@gmail.com.  Jacob: 202-365-3914.

Child Care is available for parents needing a respite during worship. Children age 0 to 4 will be lovingly tended in the Decatur Place Room from 10:20 am to Noon on Sunday. Please contact Cait at: FMWYouthProgram@gmail.com.

FMWYouthFMWYouthProgram@gmail.com for any child care related questions. Child Care is also available for all ages of children during events on our campus upon request.

FMW is pleased to offer an opportunity to families who would like to have the Meeting officially welcome their children into our community. Anyone interested in such a welcoming, please contact Gray Handley, handleygr@niaid.nih.gov


Meeting for Worship 9:00 AM Sunday.  Held in the Quaker House Living Room, this Meeting for Worship has a special invitation to silence seekers. "Quietness enough not only to know our own minds, but to listen to the still small voice."  Child care is not available.  

Meeting for Worship 6:00 PM Sunday. Held in the Parlor, this Meeting for Worship offers a sustaining opportunity for worship at the end of the weekend. Child care is not available.

Mid-Week Meeting for Worship, Tuesday, 6:00 PM in the Library. Persons seeking to worship during the week should consider this Meeting. Child care is not available. 


The FMW webpage is available at www.quakersdc.org  To access the Member Directory, the log-in ID is FMW– the password is Discern. To join the FMW Listserv, or to be included in the Meeting’s Online Directory, send an e-mail to: admin@quakersdc.org  To phone the Meeting Office, call 202.483.3310.    To use WiFi in the Meetinghouse, the network is FMW and the password is simplicity. The Meeting’s Facebook page is www.facebook.com/FriendsMeetingOfWashington.

Young Adult Friends - Anyone interested in learning about Young Adult Friends at FMW or who would like the join the YAF list-serve, please contact Rebecca Nelson (rebecca@americasolidaria.org). Young adults are between the ages of 18 and 40ish.

Martha’s Table needs nonperishable food items on an ongoing basis.  Donations are collected in the basket near the Meeting House’s Decatur Pl entrance. For more info call Pam Callard, (202) 829-9577.

If you have maintenance concerns or accessibility issues, please contact Property Committee clerk, Merry Pearlstein (202-244-8777 or merrypearlstein@gmail.com).

Want to hold an event at FMW?  Contact Brian Lutenegger, Event Manager, eventspace@QuakersDC.org.